I am coordinator, lead authored or contributed WPs to 25 successful research project and grants proposals, all of which were successfully finished or are currently ongoing. These projects have generated over €5M for my institutions with a total projects’ budget of over €15M and have been tasks with Coordination, Research Supervisor, Principal Investigator, and/or Co-Investigator, Chief Consultant and Chief Engineer.
In addition, I have participated in 11 further projects (marked +) for which I did not write the proposal.
And additionally, other self-funded projects or industrial projects (marked ++) which I have worked on and therefore do not hold a confirmed budget.
(2022) - 2017 Enemalta Memorandum of Understanding on Scholarship and Research Collaboration, MCAST. Principal Investigator.
(2022) - 2019 €0.8M Networking for Excellence in Electric Mobility Operations (NEEMO). H2020. Coordinator.
(2021) - 2018 €1M Joint Universal activities for Mediterranean PV integration Excellence (JUMP2Excel). H2020. Coordinator.
(2021) - 2018 €1M promoting Research Excellence in NAture-based soluTions for innovation, sUstainable economic GRowth and human wEll-being in Malta (RE-NATURE). H2020. Co-Investigator.
(2020) - 2018 €180k Pixels and More (PIXAM). Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST), MCAST co-Investigator.
(2021) - 2017 +COST Action CA17105 A pan-European Network for Marine Renewable Energy Wave (WECANet). Management Committee Member. EU.
(2021) - 2017 +COST Action CA16235 Performance and reliability of photovoltaic systems: evaluations of large-scale monitoring data (PEARL PV). Management Committee Member. EU.
(2021) - 2017 +COST Action CA16232 European energy poverty: Agenda co-creation and knowledge innovation (ENGAGER). Management Committee Member. EU.
(2021) - 2017 +COST Action CA16222 Wider impacts and scenario evaluation of autonomous and connected transport (WISE-ACT). Management Committee Member. EU.
(2021) - 2017 +COST Action CA16114 REthinking Sustainability TOwards a Regenrative Economy (RESTORE). Management Committee Member. EU.
2017 €500 COST RELY Project Thematic Meeting in Malta.
(2018) - 2017 €5k, Joint UK-Med Pioneers in Energy Research (JUMPER) Project. International Partnership Award, Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST), MCAST Principal Investigator.
2017 €100k, The 10th International Summit on Stability of Organic and Perovskites Solar Cells (ISOS-10 ’17). Malta. Chair.
2017 - 2016 €5k, International Partnership in Energy, Environment and Climate Change (IPEECC) Project, International Partnership Award, Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST), MCAST Principal Investigator.
(2019) - 2016 €1.5M, EdGeWiSe Project, ERANETMED Programme, Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST), MCAST Principal Investigator. MCAST Budget €100k.
(2019) - 2016 €1M, 3D-Mgrid Project, ERANETMED Programme, Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST), MCAST Principal Investigator. MCAST Budget €100k
(present) - 2015 €50k, Water Resource Management Project, FUSION Programme, Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST). Principal Investigator.
(2020) - 2015 ++Maltese Whole Townhouse Near-Zero Carbon Restoration and Refurbishment Project. Malta. Self-funded.
(2018) - 2014 +TUD COST Action TU1401 Renewable energy and landscape quality (RELY). Management Committee Member. EU.
(2018) - 2014 +MPNS COST Action MP1307 Stable Next-Generation Photovoltaics: Unraveling degradation mechanisms of Organic Solar Cells by complementary characterization techniques (StableNextSol). Management Committee Member. EU.
2017 - 2014 £1.4M. Whole system Impacts & Socio-Economics of wide scale PV integration (WISE PV). Partners: The University of Manchester, Loughborough University, University of Sheffield & Oxford Brookes University, Cenex, Electricity North West, Nottingham City Council, National Grid, Wigan & Leigh Housing and Carbon Co-op. UK Engineering & Physical Research Council. Research Supervisor and Co-Investigator at Oxford Brookes University (OBU) and The University of Manchester. United Kingdom. OBU Budget £200k
2015 - 2013 151kLTL - Postdoc Programme under the call for proposals Dr. Agnė Bertašienė is the postdoc researcher for one year and nine months to perform research activities on small to medium scale wind turbine generators under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eur. Ing. Brian Azzopardi at Kaunas University of Technology. The programme will also include collaboration with the Lithuanian Energy Institute and other foreign institutions. Lithuania.
2014 +€40k Alter Aqua Project: Green Roof at Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST). Malta.
2013 - 2012 £132k. Feasibility Study for Optimising Demand in Residential Developments with High Density Photovoltaic Arrays. Partners: Carnego Systems Ltd, Zeta Group, Bio-Regional. UK Technology Strategy Board. Independent Chief Consultant and Principal Investigator. United Kingdom.
2013 - 2011 +£1.5M. Intelligent Transport Vehicle (ITS). UK Central Research Fund. Research Supervisor and Co-Investigator at Oxford Brookes University. United Kingdom.
2013 44k LTL FP7 Support, Lithuanian Research Council (LMT), Lithuania.
2013 €3000 IET travel grant for the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Community Volunteer Conference. Dubai.
2013 €2000 internationalisation programme grant for invited guest lecturers at the University of Llieda, Spain.
2013 4500LTL Saulės Elektros Energetika. Studentų mokslinė praktika. Lietuvos Mosklo Taryba. SMPv2013175. Research Supervisor and Principal Investigator at Kaunas University of Technology. Lithuania.
2012 - 2011 +£100k. Feasibility of EV end-of-life batteries . Partners : Axeon, Oxford Brookes University. UK Technology Strategy Board. Research Supervisor and Co-Investigator at Oxford Brookes University. United Kingdom.
2012 - 2011 +€3.5M. Better Accessible Transport to Encourage Robust Intermodal Enterprise (BATTERIE). European Commission. Associate Partner for Oxford Brookes University. United Kingdom.
2012 - 2011 £10k. Sensorless On-Road Identification. UK Central Research Funding. Research Supervisor and Principal Investigator at Oxford Brookes University. United Kingdom.
2011 - 2007 +£1.5M. Hybrid Solar Cell. Partners: The University of Manchester, Imperial College London. UK Engineering and Physical Research Council. EP/E036287/1UK. Researcher at The University of Manchester. United Kingdom.
2011 +£3k research networking grant on electric vehicle engineering. UK International Funds. Research Supervisor and Principal Investigator at Oxford Brookes University. United Kingdom.
2011 £2k enterprise grant on solar energy. Malta Enterprise. Principal Investigator at The Tradeland Bureau Ltd. Malta.
2009 £2k international travel grant. UK The Royal Academy of Engineering. Principal Investigator at The University of Manchester. United Kingdom.
2009 $500 international travel grant. The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Principal Investigator at The University of Manchester. United Kingdom.
2008 £2k international travel conference grant. International Funds. Principal Investigator at The University of Manchester. United Kingdom.
2008 £1k market research grant on renewable energy. UK London Research International. Independent Principal Consultant. United Kingdom.
2007 - 2002 ++€200k. REVA Electric Vehicle Pilot Project. Partners: Future Cars Ltd., Merlin Car Hire Ltd., Electric Vehicle Management Ltd. Malta. Independent Principal Consultant. Malta.
2007 €60k. Evalon Photovoltaic Membrane Pilot Project. Palazzo Falson Museum. Supported by HSBC and Bank of Valletta PLC. Alwitra, International Construction Bureau Ltd. Independent Principal Consultant. Malta.
2006 +€5M. High Concentrated Photovoltaic Power Systems (HICON-PV). Partners: Solucar Energia S.A., Ben Gurion University of the Negev, University of Malta, Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas, Electricité de France (EDF), RWE Solutions, Fraunhofer Institut Solaris Energiesystems. FP6 Project. SES6-CT-2003-502626. Researcher at The University of Malta.
2006 €2k. Consultancy on Photovoltaic Systems. Malta Resources Authority. Independent Principal Consultant. Malta.
2005 - 2002 ++€50M (exceeding). Various Projects on High Voltage Transmission and Distribution in Malta. Enemalta Corporation. Malta. Executive Engineer. Malta.
2002 €60k. Building Integrated Manual Tracking Photovoltaic Commercial Pilot System. TIPTOP Ltd. Independent Principal Consultant. Malta.
2002 €20k. Tracking Photovoltaic Domestic Small-Scale Pilot Systems. Various. Independent Principal Consultant. Malta
1998 ++Water Resource Management Project. Self-Funded. Malta.
Awards Winning Project
1999 Special Award for Environment The Junior College Award. University of Malta (Malta)
1998 Outstanding Research The 9th International Competition Young Europeans’ Environmental Research (Germany)
1998 Best Effort Award The European Union Contest for Young Scientists (Malta)
Budget figures are estimates and / or rounded to the next whole figure