
Over fourteen (14) years’ teaching experience covering all levels of education, from level 1 to level 8 of the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) or equivalent, and beyond in three different full-time international academic teaching senior level appointments, and other part-time, freelance, visiting, guest or honorary appointments.

Hold two (2) certificates in education:

i. MQF Level 5: The MCAST Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) Certificate in Further Education (CertFE), and

ii. MQF Level 7: The Oxford Brookes University Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education.

For MCAST students, please visit the Moodle / CANVAS for your course. I am also available for project supervision and mentoring.

For Institute for Education candidates, please visit the Moodle / Turnit In for your programme. I am also available for project supervision and mentoring.

For external enquiries, to discuss potential project supervision, invited lecture, development of study programme, module or a continuous professional development (CPD) course, please do not hesitate to contact me. I also advice on Further and Higher Education Sectors such as reforms, strategy and management.

Interested in my teaching activities, topics or supervision? The following institutions are where I am lecturing or have taught. Read my Teaching Statement. Send me an expression of interest via my contacts if you are interested in MRes or PhD programmes under my supervision or within our team.